Florida Center for Investigative Reporting Associate Director Trevor Aaronson was a guest today on MSNBC’s “Jansing & Co.” for a segment about the war on terrorism.
Aaronson is the author of a recently published book about terrorism stings, The Terror Factory: Inside the FBI’s Manufactured War on Terrorism.
Following the Boston Marathon bombings, Aaronson reported that the FBI in Boston in January 2011 had pursued a terrorism sting operation against a man of questionable danger just as agents dismissed Termerlan Tsarnaerv as a threat. Aaronson’s story, which was co-published with Mother Jones, was credited in a Washington Post editorial and in a Politico story about terrorism stings.
Aaronson’s interview with MSNBC’s Chris Jansing begins at the 4:25 mark of this segment:
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