Thank You for Supporting FCIR on Give Miami Day November 25, 2018 Give Miami Day was our best single fundraising day so far this year.
Revisiting ‘Unforgiven’: Constitutional Amendment Could Restore Felon Voting Rights October 16, 2018 With three weeks until Election Day, FCIR is re-releasing "Unforgiven" to encourage the conversation about voter disenfranchisement in Florida.
Transcript: Ron DeSantis Q&A at ACT for America 2017 September 17, 2018 Republican gubernatorial nominee Ron DeSantis spoke at an anti-Muslim conference in 2007.
Ron DeSantis Spoke at Anti-Muslim Conference in 2017 September 17, 2018 The Republican gubernatorial nominee spoke at a conference whose founder argues devout Muslims cannot be loyal Americans.
FCIR Examines Climate Change and Government Inaction in New Series for 2018 July 8, 2018 Last year, during our annual fundraising drive, we told you we would use the resources you generously donated to fund a series in 2018 on climate change and state government inaction. We’re fulfilling our promise, starting today.
Thoughts, Prayers and NRA Dollars: How the Gun Lobby Supports and Opposes Members of Florida’s Congressional Delegation February 20, 2018 The NRA's big money comes to campaigns through two political action committees.