One Year After Pulse Massacre in Orlando, FBI Hasn’t Publicly Addressed Its Counterterrorism Failures June 12, 2017 In the aftermath of the mass shooting, FBI Director James Comey promised a full review of the bureau’s threat assessment system.
Islamophobia Project on Facebook October 6, 2016 Monitor Islamophobia in U.S. media and public discourse
FBI Informant Faces Criminal Trial in Key West December 26, 2014 After being convicted of child molestation and rape, Robert Childs became an FBI informant. His trail ended in America’s southernmost city.
Excerpt: The Terror Factory March 25, 2013 FCIR Associate Director Trevor Aaronson's new book documents how the FBI has built a vast network of informants to infiltrate Muslim communities and, in some cases, cultivate phony terrorist plots.