Did Gov. Scott Withhold Records On Purpose?

A Leon County Circuit Court judge ruled this week that an ongoing lawsuit against Gov. Rick Scott can be amended to include the complaint that Scott purposely withheld information he was required to make public, or that he purposely delayed releasing that information.
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FCIR Awarded New Grant

For the fifth consecutive year, the Florida Center for Investigative Reporting has received a grant from the Ethics & Excellence in Journalism Foundation.

Federal Program Fails To Keep Mentally Ill From Guns

While the National Instant Criminal Background Check System remains the only square inch of compromise between the nation’s divided gun camps, the costly federal program is failing to keep guns away from the dangerously mentally ill.

State Fingerprint System Flawed, More Expensive To Maintain Than To Build

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement's troubled five-year-old automatic fingerprint identification system (AFIS) has cost far more to maintain than it did to design and build because of technical problems. It is now so unstable that it is causing delays during investigations and arrests across the state.